
Over the medium and longer term, the growth from a balanced portfolio of stocks, hedge funds, ETF’s and mutual funds and bonds has exceeded that achieved by bank deposits. However, maintaining and managing a portfolio can be a huge task; an investor is constantly faced with the twin problems of how to maximize investment returns and how to do so with the minimum of complications, expense and time-consuming paper work. An Offshore Portfolio Account provides an answer. It can hold most of your worldwide investments in one place making for ease of administration, cost savings and tax efficiency. Offshore Portfolio Accounts are administered by long established Insurance companies experienced in dealing in the world stock markets. Such companies are based in the Caymans, the Isle of Man, the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey, Luxembourg and Puerto Rico.

Offshore Portfolio Accounts provide the more independently-minded investor with the opportunity to hold a portfolio of assets, the scope for investment is very broad and by avoiding over-dependence upon one market, sector or country, investment risk is reduced. You can thus make use of investment opportunities as they arise, switching asset classes, countries and sectors, and moving from an aggressive to a defensive stance as conditions suggest. But, you might say, where, as a non-professional, would you find the time to do all the research and make the decisions? (Even if you are a professional we can act as the sounding board and facilitator for the actions required – one call or email and it is done.)

The burden of making investment decisions can be overcome with the appointment of a professional investment adviser who should have access to the latest information on markets and trading conditions, enabling a quick response to market changes and trends in order to maximize the earnings potential of the portfolio.

By setting up or transferring a portfolio of assets to an offshore insurance company in return for the issue of an Offshore Portfolio Account the direct link between yourself and your investment is cut. Furthermore, under the local laws of the offshore tax haven, there is no legal obligation on the life insurance companies domiciled there to report investments held with them to anyone. You can therefore invest with complete confidentiality. This factor has three important consequences. It increases your level of privacy. It increases your protection against losing frivolous law suits, since not only will your assets not be under the jurisdiction of the awarding court, they will in fact be invisible (investments currently in an investor’s home country can be transferred into the Offshore Portfolio, achieving confidentiality). And it gives you tax advantages. Section 739 UK friendly; Also in various countries it allows you to trade and gross rollup all capital gains as you are not taking anything out of the wrapper. In essence it gives you tax timing choice which if done correctly means it is likely to legally avoid Capital gains taxes.  (There is a USA version of this as well.)

But wait you say – stop! If the assets belong to the insurance company, and the link between yourself and your assets is cut, how can you prove they’re yours? Isn’t it unsafe? An offshore portfolio Account is a life insurance policy which is worth precisely the value of the assets you have instructed the life insurance company to place within it. The assets are with custodian banks with high risk-quality ratings, so they themselves are safe. The life insurance companies themselves typically have a history of 150+ years and US$100bn+ under management. Plus the tax havens where they are domiciled have either voluntary lifeboat agreements among all members of the life insurance industry working there, or are subject to statutory schemes insuring 90% of asset value in the very unlikely event of a life assurance companies failing. Nothing in this world is totally secure, but an offshore portfolioAccount comes into the pretty-close category.

Other Advantages: Tax Advantages, Ease of Inheritance, Cost Savings, Choice of Financial Adviser.

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